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  • Writer's pictureagneshjalart

2023 recap

2023. Where to begin? This year has been such a rollercoaster. I started at rock bottom, in therapy, ready to quit painting all together and today i wouldn’t change a single thing about my life if given the chance. Here are some of my 2023 highlights :

1. MY PROFESSION IS ARTIST (and i was interviewed on national tv???). Something i thought was impossible but thanks to you guys is something i get to do full time <3

2. I got to do my dreaaam exhibition this year, ”an exhibition of only andy”. We used to joke about it and it always felt like a dream wayyy out of reach.

3. Andy and I started our production company @cyborgsmakingout !! So excited to see what it will grow into!

4. I proposed to the love of my life at my first solo show and am now engaged???

5. I visited korea and met my korean family for the first time, one of the most special trips of my life <3

6. My art was exhibited multiple times??? Still is so cool!!

7. Taken up my interest for photography again, hopefully develop more next year!

8. I spent three wonderful weeks in singapore with my lover <3

9. Watched andy work on his incredible music and witnessing his album come together !!

10. Above all!!! I am grateful for my support network of friends and family. This year, all crazy art stuff aside, my main focus was my health and they have all been so vital for my happiness. Thankyou!!!


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